Tuesday 2 December 2008

Aku cinta kamu

“Aku cinta kamu’
Biar kata – kata itu mendahului

Biar kamu tahu
Betapa aku menyayangimu
Di seluruh ruang hati
Kamu saja yang menghadiri

Kadangkala hatiku sakit
Bukan kerna kamu yang mencalarnya
Bukan kerna kamu tiada di hati
Kerna aku ingin kamu ubati

Adakalanya kamu tidak peduli
Kamu langsung tidak mengerti
Betapa pedihnya hati ini
Namun aku mahu memahami

Kamu selalu menjadi marah
Hingga hati aku menjadi susah
Namun, kamu lagi resah
Biarlah aku yang beralah

Kamu yang aku cintai
Hatimu tidak akan aku lukai
Biar kamu marah, sedih dan menangis
Sayangku tak mungkin akan habis

Aku akhirikan,
Sebuah ungkapan,
“Aku cinta kamu”

Tuesday 14 October 2008


"There's no right guy/girl for you, until you yourself make that person right for you".

Is there really a perfect person for us? Hurmm...still wondering until now. I used to say that I want a guy like this, who has this and that but as the time goes by, I feel that only us ourselves can make another person perfect for you. I used to feel that that person should accommodate himself to my need, but I have never thought that it is me who should try to fit into his life.

**to be continued**
p/s: need to put my brain and eyes into a cup of coffee so i can focus on the dissy.

Saturday 9 August 2008

i'm yours - Jason Mraz

Im YOurs - Jason Mraz

Chilly, windy rainy days..

It rains again in Plymouth...yes, this is what the summer is for us the Plymouthians. It is not the bright and shining days of the sun, but it is the chilly, windy rainy days...I once heard someone said "It is rain only once a week in Plymouth as it'll rain for days before the sun is out again for the week." Yeah, it is true as it should be the sun brightly shines it jolly, merry cheerful rays of light in the summer but it is the cloudy, hazy and chilly air in Plymouth.

Anyway, it is not for us to talk about the weather whether it is the rainy summer or not. What we should do is to think that for every single thing that happens around us there is a reason for it. May it is not solely for us but it may useful for others. Allah do not make things happen just because He wants to. It is for us to think that Allah can do whatever He wants and to appreciate the world that is given to us to care for. Ibn Qayyim (r.a.) said that there are ten things that bring about the love of Allah: one of them is to allow your heart to reflect on His Names and Attributes.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

~2 weeks post~


2 weeks post?..yea...it looks like i'll be doing this regularly...hikhikhik...

this morning, i baked a 'puding roti'..saje sbb nk mkn, that's why rajin bebenar...actually xmkn lg bcoz my stomach still filled with the vege breaksfast that i've been eating for days..

last weekend, i went to london for the ISLAM EXPO 2008...it was a great event though i may say its not as what i expected. there, i saw many Muslims (and non-Muslims too) from all over the world...like me they came to experience the togetherness of the Muslims community...

there were a lot of booth appeal for funding and sadaqah to help other Muslims who are suffering...there were books booths and i managed to buy a Sisters-magazine. there were a lot of bargain going on especially when we Malaysian (as we know love, to bargain when buying things) were buying the books. nwy, its not that we bought one or two books. a friend of mine bought 3 books with the price of £20. there's one book i want but so sad that it's sold..PALESTINE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMOROW..£5..but now the cheapest price that i've found is £10..nk bali ke x ni?..*thinking state*.....

Thursday 3 July 2008

*She is in Paradise*

2nd post for today. I would like to share a story taken from the "Gems & Jewels" which compiled by Abdul Malik Mujahid. i like this book as it contains many stories in the hope that we will gain a lot of virtues, develop good character patterns, and adopt intellectual behaviour in our lives from th examples of the great personalities of Islam.

*She is in Paradise*

Khalid bin safwan saw a group in the mosque of Basrah, and he said, "What is this gathering?" He was told, "There is a woman who informs men about women who are available for marriage." He went to her and said, "I want to marry a woman." She said, "Describe her to me." He said, "I want her to be a virgin who is wise like a married woman, or a married woman who is innocent like a virgin; she should be sweet when she is near, splendid when she is at a distance, she should have live a life of luxury and then became afflicted with poverty - so she has the manners of the rich and the humility of the poor. When we gather wealth we should be as the people of the world, and when we become poor, we should be as the people of the Hereafter."

She said, "I know of such a woman for you." He said, "And where is she?" She said, "In Paradise, so work to achieve her!"

(Gems and Jewels (2004) p23)
the story is about a man looking for a good woman to marry. For us ladies, it is the same. Every one of us are looking for a good husband, mature husband, rich husband and the list goes on...but if we really want a man that has all the criterias in our list don't wait till last,we have to work for it. Seek for Allah forgiveness and look for His blessing. May Allah granted us what is best for us.

bosan ke malas...?

assalamualaikum everyone,

it's been weeks since my first post.hohooh..malas gle nk update blog..that's why i don't have one before..hehehe...

arini,tahap kebosanan mencecah paras maximum...buat tu xkena, buat ni xkena semuanye xkena..haishh...ape nk jadi...?!!

since morning, i've been sitting in front of my pc but nothing comes out...*sigh...nk makan, rase cm makan byk la pula. xmkn dh xtau nk buat ape dh..kalo bace buku confirm tdo..xnk tdo!!!....

hurmm..nwy, i'll try to post something today..

Sunday 22 June 2008

Life is Wonderful- Jason Marz

It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I’m saying

It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

la la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to you yawn, brother
It takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other

It takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes some dust to have it polished

ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la

It takes some silence to make sound
It takes some loss before you found me
It takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to know you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful it is so meaningful…
it is so wonderful…

HoMesiCk + LaZineSS = boLdly bLooMing blog

dear whoever read this entry...

this is my first blog..yeah...sounds good for me to have the courage?!! (is it the right word?...is it similar to rajin?) to have my own blog...hurmm but what to do it's the result of homesickness and loneliness... yup, i'm feeling homesick..it's been like these for the past few weeks since my beloved parents went back to Malaysia. huhu..rindu kamu semua...but not to forget my only heart n spirit who's right now busy studying for his exam...i tried to stop myself from thinking too much about these uncomfortable feeling but i can't..yeah, there are things that u can't get rid of it from ur mind...

for the last few weeks, i've been like this, staring blankly on my 19" flat monitor too lazy to study...my mind goes blank whenever i try to do my academic work... i need someone to nag me about this laziness disease...actually, i have a portfolio that's waiting to be started but what to do me and my own self...i'm so lazy to do it..haiiishh..waaaa....syuhada, don't be lazy..u need to work hard!!! i want to do it bu don't have the 'ilham' yet...can i say that? hurmmm...something to ponder....

last night at 2, mira and i was doing something weird...we were changing my room arrangement...i was thinking about this for a long time but this time i was going to do it real. thank god that our 2 roommates whose rooms are just below my room are gone to glasgow. xde la nant their sleep being disturbed by our craziness moving the furniture here and there.

Life Is Wonderful