Wednesday 16 July 2008

~2 weeks post~


2 weeks post? looks like i'll be doing this regularly...hikhikhik...

this morning, i baked a 'puding roti'..saje sbb nk mkn, that's why rajin bebenar...actually xmkn lg bcoz my stomach still filled with the vege breaksfast that i've been eating for days..

last weekend, i went to london for the ISLAM EXPO was a great event though i may say its not as what i expected. there, i saw many Muslims (and non-Muslims too) from all over the me they came to experience the togetherness of the Muslims community...

there were a lot of booth appeal for funding and sadaqah to help other Muslims who are suffering...there were books booths and i managed to buy a Sisters-magazine. there were a lot of bargain going on especially when we Malaysian (as we know love, to bargain when buying things) were buying the books. nwy, its not that we bought one or two books. a friend of mine bought 3 books with the price of £20. there's one book i want but so sad that it's sold..PALESTINE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMOROW..£5..but now the cheapest price that i've found is £10..nk bali ke x ni?..*thinking state*.....

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